toii®: platform for Industry 4.0
As a digitization solution, toii® comes into play once your production planning is complete, and executes production orders with a high degree of efficiency and transparency.
toii® is highly modular and can be adapted to meet all your needs - from the first steps into the digitization process to the final phase of deep integration into your production systems, the entire journey is seamless and draws from a consistent data pool.
This allows toii® to generate significant increases in productivity by improving production transparency right from the beginning of your digital journey. What is more, the entire process is based on reliable data. Wherever possible, this data is collected using the module for machine data collection, toii®.Collect, and wherever necessary, your employees will use toii®.PDC to collect operational data.
toii®.Fusion calculates and visualizes relevant production KPIs. These KPIs can be viewed on any device using standard internet browsers, either directly by your Production team or in your Administration department.
The data gives customers the ability to make informed decisions regarding how further processes should be adapted and digitized. In this way, individual processes are digitized and partially or fully automated.
By the final stage of your expansion, your production processes will be completely paperless. Thanks to toii®, your production management and intra-logistics management will be deeply integrated with one another. toii® accesses your production orders from your ERP and optimizes your internal transportation; toii®.Control sets up machines for production, sends production orders to work station terminals, and assures quality throughout the production process. toii® consistently informs users of the status, progress, and capacity of production.
As an IIoT platform, toii® lays the technical groundwork by means of real-time digital communication between machines, systems, measurement instruments (“things”), employees in production, and the customer’s production IT systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, computer-aided quality (CAQ) systems, and/or existing manufacturing execution systems (MES).
toii® in a nutshell
Here is an overview of the toii® modules.
The individual toii® modules take on many tasks in the digital factory, from data collection and machine control to visualization, allowing a multitude of potential applications to be managed.
toii®: significant benefits compared to other IIoT solutions
The “first data mile,” from the machine to the intranet or the cloud, all from a single source
Support for older legacy machines - developing interfaces is our area of expertise
Integrated data pool with clear relationship to customer/production orders and shifts (not just collection)
Flexible subscription model: You only pay for the modules that generate value for you